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Spotify Memories

Please note this is graduate work. The brief was supplied by Spotify in 2017 and presented to the Spotify creative team in an academic "pitch syle" setting.

The Brief 

What technology, tool, or product can Spotify implement in the next 5, 10, or even 15 years? Don't get bogged down by the "what ifs" and the business approach. Show us your most creative ideas!

The Solution

Our favorite songs have a knack for reminding us of specific moments: time at the beach with friends; the first dance at your wedding; cooking with your grandmother. If our brains connect music to memories, why shouldn't our music services? Spotify's new feature lets you pair your personal photos with your music. When you customize your Spotify playlists with your favorite memories, your music becomes part of your story.

The Team

Lynn Nak, Kate Ursu, David Longest, Afia Boakye, Jenna Stout

Create a soundtrack for your most beloved memories

Let Spotify tell your story with moments and music. Just add photos from your camera roll to songs in your playlists. 

Does your friend have a better picture? Make the playlist collaborative and everyone can add photos and songs to commemorate your experiences.

Select Photos.png

Syncing Memories with Songs



Spotify and Instagram have the opportunity to form a partnership.​ Instgram can let users tag songs from Spotify in their photos.​

When Instagram users tap the photo to tagged elements, the song tag will appear.​ Users can hold down the tag for a snippet of the song, or select the arrow to open the full song in the Spotify app.

Research and Process 

A more comprehensive case study available upon request.

User Interviews

Tell me about a song that evokes a fun or special memory...

"The song "Everybody Wants To Rule The World," by Tears For Fears, makes me think of being little and dancing in the living room, while my dad was in the kitchen cooking"

"When I listen to the Bon Iver album, "For Emma, Forever Ago," I think about long walks in the snow in high school, while being annoyed that my boyfriend was always late."

"Come On Eileen" makes me think about dancing around and jumping on the bed with my best friend."

"Bob Marley's "Buffalo Soldier" always reminds me of fishing with my family and friends. I literally tell the same funny fishing story every time I head it."

"Winters Love" by Animal Collective reminds me of Alex playing his drum in the dorm rooms during undergrad." 

Benefits/ Competitive Analysis

Why should Spotify do this, and how does it make them unique?

By making this a feature available to only paid subscriptions, it would encourage users to upgrade their account.

As users put more personal equity (photos) into their account, the less likely they are to change streaming services or delete their account.

This would encourage new Spotify accounts from listeners who want to see what their friends are creating.

User Journey

Selected Wireframes

Adding Photos.png
Not Connected.png
Photos Unconnecting.png
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